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Beauty Facts and Myths

If you don\'t have flawless skin or an hourglass figure, don\'t worry. The science behind the \"beauty is in the eye of the beholder\" cliché may surprise you.If you don’t have flawless skin or an hourgla

Clear Blemishes Naturally

Are skin blemishes bringing you down? Learn why the natural approach to clearing blemishes is the best approach. A majority of individuals 12 to 24 years of age suffer from acne, with some estimates a

Plant-Powered Healing

Going green for long-term health benefits has never been easier. By including a bountiful array of nutrient-dense green foods, more energy and vitality can be yours. So which greens are best, and how

These No-Equipment Boxing Classes Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research

Today marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The month of October provides an opportunity for organizatio

How I Learned My Weight-Loss Journey Wasn't Over Even After Losing 170 Pounds

The first time I became aware of my weight, I was in fourth grade. At the time, it was common for schools to weigh stude