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These Healthy Pizza Recipes Will Convince You to Skip Takeout for Good

When the local pie joint is known for greasy pepperoni and stale crust, turn to these healthy pizza recipes.Brussels Spr

How to Roast Dandelion Roots

Dandelions are a strong ally in the body’s fight against cancer. Here’s some helpful kitchen tips on how to roast them so you can reap the amazing healthy benefits. You can find the full article on pa

How to Do Better at Eating (Those Crazy) Winter Vegetables

When the weather turns cold and winter buries us under snow and ice, it can be hard to get excited about seasonal vegeta

The Health Perks of Oil

You've heard it a million times: Fat is bad for you. But the reality is, only some fats-as in, trans and saturated fats-

4 Reasons Why Fear Is Good for Your Health

Good news for horror movies fans, the news is: feeling scared is good for you—it’s a fact. And now the spooky season is