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The Science of Seed Oils

For many years, the Whole Life Challenge has dealt with “vegetable” oils (there’s actually nothing vegetable about them)

Are Your Children Mentally Prepped?

When it comes to the well-being of our children, there isn’t much we wouldn’t do. We deliberate over what we feed them, where it comes from, and how it’s prepared. We consider how much exercise, scree

Falling Into a New Routine

If September became the new January, maybe resolutions would be easier to keep. Why we resolve to change anything during the depths of winter is beyond comprehension. Maybe it’s time to fall for chang

Easy-to-Make Detox Drinks to Cleanse Your Most Vital Organs

A human body takes in a despicable amount of toxins from water and food, air pollution, drugs and stress. Unless, of cou

Partner Yoga

Yoga doesn\'t have to be a solo activity. Get together with a friend or family member for a fun partner yoga workout.While one doesn’t usually think of yoga as a team sport, partner yoga is fast becomi