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Knife Skills and Stir Fry: Home Cooking Boot Camp Lesson 2

In boot camp lesson one, we focused on embracing our chef sense and breaking free of recipes. Now, we get to wield a big

Feeding the Brain

“You can’t wink your eye without nutrients being involved, never mind think, remember, learn, or sleep.” So says brain expert Aileen Burford-Mason, author of The Healthy Brain: Optimize Brain Power at

Quick Fit for Tweens and Teens

Too much screen time and not enough physical activity is taking its toll on teens and tweens. Do our quick fit exercises with your kids to steer them onto the road to fitness.The 2012 Active Healthy K

Green Magic––Can Cucumbers Really Help You Lose Weight?

Cucumbers, a simple vegetable that’s easy to grow, tasty to eat and won’t make you pack on the pounds. Let’s look at how

Shower Vs. Bath: Which Is Better For Your Health?

Who doesn’t love a bubble bath? That pleasant half-hour of quiet time, soaking away from it all in a relaxing tub. Heave