Another great Swedish idea, plogging (a mash-up of the Swedish word plocka, to pick, and jogga, to jog) is taking off across Canada—and around the world. Find out more about this new, environmentally
It happens to the best of us-that moment of embarrassment when we peel off winter gloves to reveal skin resembling a dried-out riverbed or that moment of shock when we notice the soles of our feet loo
Judging by the ads we see on television, you might think you need a Master’s degree in chemistry to choose quality skin care products. While earning the degree is a fabulous accomplishment, proper ski
Some sports-enhancing supplements can be beneficial, but others can be dangerous. Read on to learn the difference.Here’s the lowdown on the most popular sports supplements.
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Fire cider is a powerful botanical concoction that combines a host of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients marinated for several weeks in ACV. It can be used as a potent cold and flu buster