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Tag: healthy-eating-meal-ideas

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Why You Should Consider Your Kinetic Chain While Exercising

Depending on how geeked-out you get about fitness, you might consider a handful of factors when planning out your workou

5 Totally Doable Ways to Age Well and Live Longer

Getting older is an inevitable and irreversible process. But while you have no control over your age, you can certainly

7 Healthy Morning Smoothies You Need to Make for Breakfast

Start your day with a healthy, filling morning smoothie.Healthy Morning Smoothies Admit it: Oversleeping happens. But h

Coffee Smoothie Recipes That Will Give You a Jolt of Caffeine

Combine your morning smoothie with your a.m. cup of java with these quick and easy recipes.Café Mocha Protein Smoothie

5 Nutrients for Vegan Athletes

Vegan athletes, including runner Carl Lewis, hockey player Georges Laraque, and baseball player Patrick Neshek, prove that athletes can get the nutrition they need without eating meat. However, making