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Tag: healthy-eating-healthy-drinks

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Watch Chelsea Handler Put a Twist On a Standard Single-Arm Chest Press

If you think regular chest presses are tough, just wait until you see the latest exercise Chelsea Handler showed off on

5 Effective Strategies to Overcome Phone Phobia

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How to Have Your Pizza and Diet Too

Food is in a golden age. Never before has it held the kind of cultural sway that it holds right now — chefs are househol

It’s the Food: Why We Gain Weight

Physics states that if you move more, you burn more calories, and if you burn more calories, you lose unwanted pounds. T

How Did the “7 Daily Habits” Come to Be? (#BecauseScience)

When we think about habits, we often think about bad habits — things like biting fingernails, or the five-year-old who s