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Tag: healthy-eating-diet-tips

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Facial clay

Standard clay can be drying to the hands. Not so with facial clay, when you apply it to your face in conjunction with essential oils. Facial clay absorbs clogging oils and deposits beneficial minerals

Sleep Hacking: 5 Methods for Getting More Sleep, More Often

Lack of sleep sucks. After just one night, you become a groggy mess: short-tempered, uncoordinated, unable to concentrat

Miracle in a Jar?

Adding nutrients like essential fatty acids and antioxidants to our diets can take us a long way toward recreating youthful, healthy skin. Your choice of moisturizer can also have a huge impact on you

Here's What a Perfectly Balanced Weekly Workout Schedule Looks Like

With benefits such as better quality sleep, a boost in brainpower, and increased levels of happiness, it's no wonder why