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This Baked Flounder Recipe Proves Chicken Isn't the Only Easy Weeknight Dinner

Fish is one of the tastiest, healthiest foods you can eat, yet many people shy away from making it at home. There’s no r

11 Heavenly Hot Chocolate Recipes

With recipes that range from healthy to plain delicious, enjoy a cup of cocoa to stay warm and satisfy your sweet tooth

4 Reasons Why Fear Is Good for Your Health

Good news for horror movies fans, the news is: feeling scared is good for you—it’s a fact. And now the spooky season is

7 Women Who Kept Their Weight-Loss Resolutions

Secrets to success from real women who pledged to trim down in 2011 (and did)!Rebecca Regnier Blog: Does This Blog Make

No Pain, No Gain? Why Don’t I Get Sore After Workout

You’ve been working out regularly, and actually, it’s been going pretty great. You kept up your routine and your healthy