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Homemade Plant-Based Possible Burger

Skip the drive-thru and turn to everyday pantry ingredients to make your very own plant-based, fast food-inspired burger. Vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike will find something to love at first

Is your sunscreen doing the trick?

We’ve all heard it—as pleas from caring parents, product taglines, or public service announcements: “Wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer!” During summer months we comply—rubbing, spritzing, and slat

When You Should Be Eating if You Want to Lose Weight

There are so many aspects to eating for weight loss. What to eat is one aspect. How the body processes your food is also

What You Should REALLY Get Mom for Mother’s Day

Toss aside that generic drugstore greeting card and dozen roses: it’s time to step up our Mother’s Day gift-giving game and think outside the (heart-shaped) box. Here’s your motivation—and inspiration

Asparagus Smoked Salmon Flatbread with Spring Greens

Spring is the season for asparagus. The tender green shoots popping out of the soil in early spring are especially prized for their fleeting seasonal appearance. Asparagus is extremely versatile, offe