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Why Managing OCD During the Pandemic so Tough

The coronavirus crisis has been tough on everyone. Our lives have turned upside down, and this has had long-lasting repe

Meditations, Sounds & Stories for Deeper Sleep and Stress Relief

In times like these, it’s only natural to feel disempowered and with no control over the future whatsoever. Since the co

Everything You Need to Know About Dermatillomania

Whether you're searching for the latest strand-saving solution, tricks for scoring sounder sleep, or cleaning hacks to s

Skin Care 101

Judging by the ads we see on television, you might think you need a Master’s degree in chemistry to choose quality skin care products. While earning the degree is a fabulous accomplishment, proper ski

The FDA Authorized Vanilla-Flavored Panties to Protect Against STIs During Oral

In what could be a major win for safer sex, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a brand of underwear to be