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10 Surprising Cancer-Fighting Superfoods

When it comes to cancer prevention, you may already know that it’s important to eat more broccoli and tomatoes, drink more green tea, and incorporate flaxseeds into your diet. These foods are powerful

Tips for How to Gain Weight on a Healthy Vegan Diet

People couldn't be more diverse when it comes to weight, metabolism, and body shape. A plant-based diet can meet a lot o

Emu Oil

While it often seems that a beauty miracle is invented daily, it’s refreshing when a new discovery turns out to be as old as the hills. When it comes to health and beauty aids, you’d be hard-pressed t

Massage to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common condition that statistically strikes one out or four adults in the US.

How to Heal Calf Pain, Injury, and Tightness (Free Mobility Plan)

The calves are a muscle that get a lot of repetitive use — and are often a source of injury or restriction for many of u