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Cities Made of Sand

Sand. You probably don’t think about it, except perhaps when you’re dumping it out of your shoes following a languorous day at the beach. What you may not know is that sand is a diminishing resource t

5 Tips for You to Start Improving Your Creativity Skill

Every single one of us is born with a creative spark. As children, our play and creation was our primary task of the day

Expert Talks Nutritional Value of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Many people continue to be skeptical about frozen fruits and vegetables thinking they lack in vital nutrients which make

Chelsea Handler Made This Impressive Core Exercise Look Easy

Chelsea Handler and her trainer Ben Bruno have been sharing some seriously impressive fitness content on Instagram latel

How Your Sleep Schedule Affects Your Weight Gain and Disease Risk

Why would you ever wake up earlier than you need to on a Saturday? Here's one reason: Sleeping in on the weekends can in