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Coast-to-Coast Seed Saving

Though most of us don’t save seeds, we can still benefit from the dedicated heirloom seed savers across the country who are passionate about the preservation of a healthy and diverse seed bank. Meet t

See Kate Upton Hang Upside Down In an Impressive Aerial Yoga Pose

Few people could make aerial yoga look easy, but Kate Upton has done just that. The 29-year-old actress and model — who

Why Gender Can Matter When It Comes to Health

Can you have as much wine with dinner as your male partner or go to bed as late as he does—but without any extra adverse consequences? Short answer: no. Far from creating endless sex difference polemi

The 5 Best Abs Exercises for Women, According to Trainers

If the fitness crowd labels one exercise overrated a lot, it's sit-ups. (They even got booted from the U.S. Navy's fitne

Protect Your Kidneys from Stones by Eating a Healthy Diet

These funny-looking twin organs may not look like much, and yet they are most precious to the body’s normal functioning.