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The 3 Lies of Fitness

Right now, you’re being lied to.  The magazines are lying, your friends are lying, and the morning talk shows are lying

Why We Really Need to Stop Talking About Detoxing After the Holidays

Luckily, society has moved on from long-standing, harmful terms such as "bikini body," finally recognizing that all huma

Why I Believe the Whole Life Challenge Works

Upfront, the Whole Life Challenge literally changed my life. A trope, an aphorism of self-improvement, sure. “It changed

The Best Period Tracker Apps to Stay On Top of Your Flow

At one point or another, you've likely used an app to log your daily steps, the calories you burned during an intense HI

Can Drinking Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?

If you're trying to lose weight, making simple changes to your lifestyle, such as heading outdoors for longer walks, red