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How to Rekindle Exercise and Weight-Loss Motivation When You Just Want to Chill and...

Remember when you committed to that new workout plan and your enthusiasm and motivation were through the roof? "Sunday m

Morning, Noon, Or Night––When Is the Best Time to Work Out?

You might have heard that an early morning run is the key to getting fit, but is this a fact? Let’s discover when is the

You, Exercise, and Diabetes

Exercise can help diabetics keep their blood glucose levels under control. A balance of cardio and resistance training is beneficial to everyone, diabetic or not.Today more than 9 million Canadians ar

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Whole Life Challenge

You look in the mirror and want to see a healthier you, inside and out. You hope someday to complete a marathon (or walk

4 Reasons Why Fear Is Good for Your Health

Good news for horror movies fans, the news is: feeling scared is good for you—it’s a fact. And now the spooky season is