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The Complete Guide to Your Abs Muscles

Your abs muscles—and how strong and defined they are—is about so much more than the muscle cells you work during each an

DIY Self-Lymphatic Massage – Tutorial

This article is an educational one – if you’ll be patient enough to get through it, you will learn how to give yourself

What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck in Your Own Life

“So, how are you doing?” You open your mouth to answer the question and unexpectedly you start feeling anxious. I’m doin

Dive into the Weekend with This Friday Fitness Workout

It’s Friday! Say hello to that amazing feeling of freedom mixed with exhaustion and combined with the overwhelming desir

Hasselback Butternut Squash with Spicy Pickled Red Onion and Puréed Herbed Salsa

Studies are proving that eating plant foods rich in colours of the rainbow—from dark blue and purple to green, yellow, orange, and red—is the key to good nutrition. Take butternut squash as an example