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11 Heavenly Hot Chocolate Recipes

With recipes that range from healthy to plain delicious, enjoy a cup of cocoa to stay warm and satisfy your sweet tooth

How Intermittent Fasting Affects Your Sleep: Health Benefits

Intermittent fasting is currently increasing popularity amongst other diet plans and fitness strategies. People choose i

The Urban Parks You Need to Visit This Spring

Developers are turning industrial urban spaces into fitness-focused hot-spots. Hit up these cool urban parks—and score a

Stop and Smell the Roses

We’re all familiar with the feeling that time’s flying by. And it’s also possible you’ve found yourself wondering how you could ever slow time down. If this sounds like you, read on for some timely ad

Counting Sheep Helps Falling Asleep: True or False?

Has anyone ever suggested to you to count sheep to get some sleep? Given how common an advice it is for insomniacs of al