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No Pain, No Gain? Why Don’t I Get Sore After Workout

You’ve been working out regularly, and actually, it’s been going pretty great. You kept up your routine and your healthy

How Going Sugar-Free Actually Made My Life Sweeter

Years ago, when I first became a mother, I was at the playground trying to shield my son from germy interactions with ru

Vacation Trends

Trend: Women Traveling SoloWho Does It Best: The Westin Boston WaterfrontWhen youre on the road by yourself--whether for

Cities Made of Sand

Sand. You probably don’t think about it, except perhaps when you’re dumping it out of your shoes following a languorous day at the beach. What you may not know is that sand is a diminishing resource t

Your Quadratus Lumborum and Back Pain: What You Need to Know

The quadratus lumborum, or QL, is a key piece of your core. While technically an abdominal muscle, the QL is located dee