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How Did the “7 Daily Habits” Come to Be? (#BecauseScience)

When we think about habits, we often think about bad habits — things like biting fingernails, or the five-year-old who s

Is your sunscreen doing the trick?

We’ve all heard it—as pleas from caring parents, product taglines, or public service announcements: “Wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer!” During summer months we comply—rubbing, spritzing, and slat

Soap Opera

What is the difference between natural and organic soaps? Is one better than the other? Here\'s what to look for and what to avoid.What’s the difference between natural and organic soap? Is one better

Easy One-Skillet Meals to Make for Dinner Tonight

These one-skillet meals will help you spend less time cleaning and more time eating.Butternut Squash Orecchiette with Ra

Forget About It!

We often miss creative solutions to life’s challenges because we’re literally too smart for our own good. What if you were to see life through the eyes of a beginner? This is the Zen approach everyone