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8 Celebrities' Top Trouble Zone Toning Exercises

The following moves have helped sculpt some of Hollywoods hottest bodies. Theyre so good, we featured them in SHAPEs new

5 Questions Guaranteed to Lower Your Stress Level

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” – Mark Twain According to the American Psychologic

The Truth About Dairy: What to Avoid, What’s Okay, and Why

Milk is marketed in a way that makes us all believe it is good for us. It has protein and is the “best” source of calciu

6 Simple Tips for Creating New Habits That Actually Last

Creating new habits that last a lifetime is tricky business no matter what realm of human experience we are discussing.

5 Tips to Help Lower Stress Levels

Whether struggling to meet a tight work deadline or navigating a tense family situation, many of the stressors we encounter are largely beyond our control. To help rise above such dilemmas, you can em