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Tag: fitness-workouts

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Keepin’ It Hot with Fire Cider Vinegar

Fire cider is a powerful botanical concoction that combines a host of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients marinated for several weeks in ACV. It can be used as a potent cold and flu buster

The Health Perks of Oil

You've heard it a million times: Fat is bad for you. But the reality is, only some fats-as in, trans and saturated fats-

Hips and Hip Flexors: 10-Minute Follow Along Yoga Flow with Sima

Welcome to my eight-part yoga flow series! Each of these videos will be presented in a follow along format, so all you h

Spice Up Your Lunchtime Salad

Skip the #saddesksalad and make your greens appetizing again with tips from pro chefsThrow In Fresh Herbs Whole leaves

10 Tips to Motivate Yourself When You’re Depressed

If you feel your depression is hitting you really hard or you are having suicidal thoughts please seek help from a healt