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Pregnancy Aches: What is Round Ligament Pain and What to Do?

Any ache or pain during pregnancy can leave you worrying until your next doctor’s visit. As your body grows and changes,

Is Electrical Muscle Stimulation Really the Magical Workout It's Hyped Up to Be?

Imagine if you could reap the benefits of strength training without logging tons of hours at the gym.Instead, all it wou

From One New Mom to Another: How to Get a Workout In

Hey, there, New Mama!Yes, you! You might not have gotten used to the title yet, but now that you are a new mom to a bran

10 Ways to Eat Breakfast for Dinner

These healthy recipes, from vegetable pancakes to savory oatmeal, give your morning meal a p.m. makeoverCarrot and Zucch

This Abs and Glutes Barre Workout Is Perfect for Beginners

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