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Tag: fitness-workouts-ab-workouts

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Looking East

I have always struggled with skin breakouts, and no matter which expensive cleansers and medications I have used, the acne always came back. Like many people I expected to be plagued my whole life wit

It’s the Food: Why We Gain Weight

Physics states that if you move more, you burn more calories, and if you burn more calories, you lose unwanted pounds. T

How Did the “7 Daily Habits” Come to Be? (#BecauseScience)

When we think about habits, we often think about bad habits — things like biting fingernails, or the five-year-old who s

How to Eat Fresh and Local In Michigan

Blueberries Statewide, 600 family farms grow blueberries, with almost 21,000 acres devoted exclusively to the sweet fru

Patience in Strong Relationships Is Just as Critical as Love

We tend to idealize our romantic relations in that we place a lot of emphasis on love and physical attraction. But soon