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Go Snowshoeing!

Snowshoeing has come a long way since the days of classic wooden-framed models. Read on to learn how to jump on board this famed winter sport! Get the gear Modern snowshoes are made of durable fabrics

The Top 9 Food Crimes (Are You Guilty of One?)

Food is the new politics. Not only do we have Michael Pollen commenting on every aspect of Big Food, but we have a milli

14 Unexpected Smoothie and Green Juice Ingredients

Call it a fad if you must, but we're convinced the green juice and smoothie trend is here to stay. These nourishing drin

Tired, But Can’t Sleep? Find Out if Hormones Are to Blame

Tossing and turning all night is no fun at all, and it’s ten times worse if you can’t seem to figure out what exactly is

Why Hot Yoga Makes You Feel Dizzy

When the temps fall, its natural to crave a toasty hot yoga class to warm you up. But sometimes, a heated session on the