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Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake

Flourless chocolate cake became my obsession in the bustling kitchen of a gourmet restaurant where I worked in the early 90s. I was fascinated by the dense but creamy texture as well as the deep, dark

Healthy Dinner Ideas

Egg Tartine with Vegetable SoupTop 1 slice whole-wheat toast with 1/4 cup mashed canned white beans, 1/4 cup sliced onio

Go Zero Waste

How much garbage do you generate? What about recycling or food waste? The Zero Waste movement is swiftly picking up momentum around the world, prompting people to rethink plastic, packaging, and consu

Training for a Half-Marathon: Me? I Thought I Hated Running

Ive always hated running-even as a competitive volleyball player growing up I dreaded doing it. Id often have to hit the

Cold and flu be gone

The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. And with the commencement of the new school year, what could be a higher priority than staying healthy this fall and winter? A number of natural health prod