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Exactly How to Cut Calories to Lose Weight Safely

To lose weight, you need to figure out how to cut calories. Sounds easy, but there's more to this age-old weight-loss wi

How to Stop Boredom Eating––Here’s Our Top 7 Tricks

How to stop boredom eating is one of the most asked dieting questions on online search engines, and the reason why is th

What To Eat Before and After Donating Blood

Since 2004 on June 14, we have been celebrating World Blood Donor Day to raise awareness and thank volunteers for their

Chips, Dips, Chains, & Whips: How to Break Free from Bad Snacking Habits

Youre a well-fed servant. Its not a bad life, but most of the time, youre doing what food tells you to do. Tell me if it


Wondering what the zumba exercise craze is all about? We introduce you to this music-infused energetic workout.When it comes to working out, many people feel exercise should be athletic-based and chal