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How to Deal with Difficult People: 10 Tips and Tactics

Difficult people exist everywhere – no workplace is without them. There is always at least one person who constantly get

How to Relieve Hip and Low Back Tension with Hip Crossover Stretch

This stretch — called the hip crossover stretch — targets the muscles of the outer hip and low back. If you experience c

Yoga for Arthritis

Arthritis isn’t just a disease for older adults. Thankfully, yoga can offer relief from symptoms in young people as well as older adults.Age-related arthritis? Myths and misconceptions about arthritis

What You Need to Know Before You Eat Any More Soy

If you’re confused about soy, you’re not alone. There has been a lot of mixed information about soy over the years. Some

Johnny Jump-Up and Lentil Salad

Fresh Johnny Jump-Ups have a mild minty flavour that brings a brightness to recipes. While this recipe is a terrific light lunch or dinner side dish, it also works well as an appetizer for a crowd whe