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Facing the New Year

What’s this? A miner’s headlamp on your forehead? You’ve just awakened to find a giant pimple there, and you know your skin was clear the night before. And it would appear on the same day as the big d

Coast-to-Coast Seed Saving

Though most of us don’t save seeds, we can still benefit from the dedicated heirloom seed savers across the country who are passionate about the preservation of a healthy and diverse seed bank. Meet t

Do Tampons Expire? How to Tell When It's Time for a New Box

When you find an expired carton of half-and-half in the back of the fridge or an untouched tube of sunscreen in your bat

Practicing Gratitude Can Change Your Life — Here's How

Even the least chivalrous among society will toss a "thank you" at the stranger who holds a door open or the Uber driver

6 Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep can be a challenge, especially with the speed and variables of modern life. Artificial