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Wondering what the zumba exercise craze is all about? We introduce you to this music-infused energetic workout.When it comes to working out, many people feel exercise should be athletic-based and chal

How to Keep Eating Healthy When You Travel

My job involves a lot of travel. In fact, I am on a plane heading to coaching and teaching engagements every second week

How to Cycle Nutrition and Exercise for Improved Body Composition

Usually when I hear the word “cycling” and “body composition,” I think steroids. However, that’s not what I mean by cycl

How to Reduce Holiday Spending and Love the Season More

Before online shopping was a thing — and before we had kids — my husband and I took care of our Christmas shopping in on

Does Prebiotic Soda Have Real Health Benefits?

If you have a soft spot for carbonated drinks (looking at you, LaCroix) then you've probably heard of or already tried h