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Expose Yourself

Prepare for spring by taking time to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating can be done mechinally or chemically, but either way has many benefits.After hiding in wool and dark colours all winter, it’s almo

Jennifer Garner Demonstrated How to Do 3 'Easy' Stretches

Jennifer Garner may love intense full-body workouts, but she also understands the benefits of slowing things down. In a

Cooking Hacks That Help You Make Dinner In 30 Minutes or Less

Layer flavor, blend spices, get creative with your broiler—here are the best ways to put dinner on the table in half an

These Snack Subscription Boxes Will Keep You from Ever Going Hungry Again

Best Snack Subscription Box for the Cheese-Obsessed: Fromagination Cheese of the Month Best Snack Subscription Box to S

Why You Need to Get Quiet in a Loud World

We live in a loud world. Every moment of our day is likely filled with some sort of sound — some pleasant, some that fad