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You Too Can Do Handstand Push-Ups – Here’s the Why and the How

You probably think that standard push-ups are for everyone, whilst handstand push-ups are only for gymnasts and bodybuil

Why Keto is Bad for You – 5 Diet Risks to Your Health

The keto diet (aka the ketogenic diet) has been making the rounds for a few years now and its popularity shows no signs

Resistance for Your Health

Resistance exercise may be the key to keeping our brains healthy and fully functioning as we age. Learn how to exercise to improve brain acuity. As a fitness instructor I am often asked by my students

How to Rekindle Exercise and Weight-Loss Motivation When You Just Want to Chill and...

Remember when you committed to that new workout plan and your enthusiasm and motivation were through the roof? "Sunday m

Should You Try This 'Natural' Birth Control App?

When it comes to birth control, women have more options than ever-pills, implants, condoms, IUDs-and they work. As long