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Mesonutrients: The Next Big Nutritional Thing?

You’ve heard of macronutrients and micronutrients. They’re both vital for optimal nutrition. Now, there’s a newly defined category that could be just as important for well-being, one that sits right i

Face Winter Head On

We do a lot of things to prepare for the winter months–install storm windows, mount the car’s snow tires, dig out the snow shovel. Why not extend that same care to your skin? Here are some simple step

It’s the Food: Why We Gain Weight

Physics states that if you move more, you burn more calories, and if you burn more calories, you lose unwanted pounds. T

Everything You Need to Know About Trichomoniasis

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" might be the most common tongue-twister, but theres another tongue-twiste

Delicious Mini Zesty Date Cakes

The beauty of this sweet little treat is that it’s a recipe you can make from a well-stocked pantry. And even better: you can easily substitute with other pantry ingredients. For example, no dates in