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8 Delicious Better-For-You Treats for Your Next Baking Spree

Baking a variety of different and delicious treats is all the rage right now. If you feel a little bored with just a basic loaf of bread, try diving into these unique and equally yummy desserts that h

Training for a 5K: Top 7 Tips for Success

Sign Up! By signing up for a 5K, and marking the date on your calendar, one is much more likely to do the minimal traini

Here's What's Wrong with the 'Healthy Coke' TikTok Trend, According to Nutritionists

TikTok just introduced yet another buzzy and controversial trend that's taking the internet by storm. Its latest viral m


Wistful thoughts of warm summer sunshine and long days of outdoor fun often crowd our minds during the darker days of winter. But that feeling of longing isn’t unusual, or necessarily concerning. What

5 Benefits of Meal Planning That Will Surprise You

The last few months has thrown many of us off our game. As we’re re-establishing normal patterns, it helps to “get ahead