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Why You Should Question Nutrition Research and What Happened in 1980

There was a time when the words of moms and grandmothers ruled the nutritional roost. For the most part, their advice bo

Why It's Perfectly Acceptable to Walk During Your Runs

It was the night before the Lululemon Seawheeze half-marathon in Vancouver, and I was talking to the pacer I planned to

7 Women Who Kept Their Weight-Loss Resolutions

Secrets to success from real women who pledged to trim down in 2011 (and did)!Rebecca Regnier Blog: Does This Blog Make

Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake

Flourless chocolate cake became my obsession in the bustling kitchen of a gourmet restaurant where I worked in the early 90s. I was fascinated by the dense but creamy texture as well as the deep, dark

Is Popcorn Healthy? Here's What Dietitians Think

Theres a lot to love about popcorn. Its crunchy, satisfying, and oh-so-versatile. The whole grain is also a classic snac