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Will a Food Journal Help You to Your Goals? Here’s How to Know

You’ve seen the benefit of paying attention to your actions so that you become conscious of the choices you make. Now, y

Why Americans Are Saying “Yes!” To the Great Outdoors

In 2021, going out is the new staying in. But forget about the dance floor, the late nights, and lack of sleep. The goin

What You Need to Know About the Glycemic Index

If you are familiar with the “glycemic index,” you may know it as a phrase tossed around by various weight-loss diet pla

Is Hummus a Good Source of Protein?

With more and more containers popping up on supermarket shelves, you might be wondering, if it's really as healthy as it

Are You Getting Enough Light? How Red Light Therapy Can Help

Chances are you’re not reading this article in a park or in your backyard. That’s because the average American spends a