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Chelsea Handler Made This Impressive Core Exercise Look Easy

Chelsea Handler and her trainer Ben Bruno have been sharing some seriously impressive fitness content on Instagram latel

The Critical Reasons HOW We Eat Matters More Than WHAT

When I was a growing up, we had a sit-down family dinner every night. In high school and college, I regularly ate with f

How to Cook with Fats and Oils for the Healthy Eater

There are so many different types of fats and different ways they affect our systems when we consume them. These differe

Knife Skills and Stir Fry: Home Cooking Boot Camp Lesson 2

In boot camp lesson one, we focused on embracing our chef sense and breaking free of recipes. Now, we get to wield a big

Losing Weight? Here’s Why Exercise Alone Won’t Help

You’ve decided to lose weight––good for you! But perhaps hitting the gym shouldn’t be your one-stop-weightloss-shop. Now