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What the Latest Research Says About Cancer and Heart Disease

I’ve always looked at health as an entire system working together. You can have a great pancreas, but if you also have a

This Is Why Guy Time Is Actually so Important

I look at each day as an adventure. A chance to start fresh, to experience new challenges, and to see what life has in store. I’m a positive person doing what I love and content with my choices. Despi

Expert Talks Nutritional Value of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Many people continue to be skeptical about frozen fruits and vegetables thinking they lack in vital nutrients which make

Diet for Clear & Glowing Skin

Lifestyle factors play a major role in maintaining healthy skin. Diet, including food and drink, provides nutrients for the optimal functioning of your skin.In recent years it has become clear that li

This Avocado Tartine Is About to Become Your Sunday Brunch Staple

Weekend after weekend, brunch with the girls consists of discussing the previous night's Tinder date, drinking one-too-m