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Pregnancy Aches: What is Round Ligament Pain and What to Do?

Any ache or pain during pregnancy can leave you worrying until your next doctor’s visit. As your body grows and changes,

The rise of vaping

With the dangers of nicotine having been firmly established over the years, fewer Canadian teens have been taking up tobacco. Now, however, there’s a disturbing related trend: more youth are vaping. T

Why You Should Try My Eating-for-the-Seasons Challenge

Today were going to talk about eating for the seasons. What does that even mean? In our modern world, we have access to

Get a Jump on Plyometrics: Purpose and Benefits of Plyo Exercise

"What is plyometric exercise and is it for me?" In case you've asked yourself that, here's your answer. If you have seen

Cool New Water Workouts That Have Nothing to Do with Swimming

Theres nothing cooler than a pool in summer, and thanks to the latest trends, the options for getting a killer H20 worko