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6 Simple Tips for Creating New Habits That Actually Last

Creating new habits that last a lifetime is tricky business no matter what realm of human experience we are discussing.

Selena Gomez Launched Wondermind — a Company That Aims to Prioritize 'Mental Fitness'

In addition to the other highlights on Selena Gomez's resumé (see: actress, Grammy-nominated singer, and beauty entrepre

The 3 Biggest Reasons Your Diet Will Never Last

The word “diet,” the way we use it today, is basically an admission of failure. Going on a diet means we have somehow fa

January Jones Isn't Here for Cookie-Cutter Self-Care Routines

Genuine. That’s the word that springs to mind when talking to January Jones. “I feel comfortable in my skin,” says the a

The Man Maker Exercise Is a One-Two Punch of Intense Strength and Cardio Training

Ask any fitness enthusiast to name the hurts-so-good exercise they despise the most, and there's a good chance they'll c