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Why Hot Yoga Makes You Feel Dizzy

When the temps fall, its natural to crave a toasty hot yoga class to warm you up. But sometimes, a heated session on the

Running for Night Owls––Benefits of Bedtime Running

Hello, there night owl, fellow adventurer of the dark. Perhaps you’ve been told before that exercise after the sun goes

6 Nutrition Myths the Fitness Industry Has Sold You

When we think of the “fitness industry,” all of us instantly picture hot chicks in sports bras displaying super flat sto

Miswanting: What the Real Secret to Happiness?

Are you sure that will make you happy? Whether it’s a new car, a promotion, or an upgrade on your current property, you

When You Should Be Eating if You Want to Lose Weight

There are so many aspects to eating for weight loss. What to eat is one aspect. How the body processes your food is also