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Why is Water So Important, and How Much Should You Be Drinking?

More than anything else, your body is made of water. Water is one of the basic resources for your life. Just to function

Love Your Lips

There\'s no need to go au naturel when you can go all natural. There are many natural and organic lipsticks on the market that will fill your beauty needs.Plump, juicy lips coated in bright red lipstic

How to Celebrate the International Day of Charity with Verv

We’re making it official – doing good is good for you! So, if you thought that volunteering or donating was just helping

Stay On Your Toes

Toenail care comes low on the priority list for most people. However, when a nail starts to discolour and cause pain, it suddenly gets the attention it deserves. Curing a toenail infection is more dif