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What Pigeon Toeing Really Is (and 3 Ways to Improve It)

As a follow-up to my article on how to correct a duck footed stance (one where your feet turn outward while walking or s

The Truth About Sports-Enhancing Supplements

Some sports-enhancing supplements can be beneficial, but others can be dangerous. Read on to learn the difference.Here’s the lowdown on the most popular sports supplements. Caffeine Claim: improves at

Disconnect to Reconnect

Had enough of the constant buzz of your cellphone? It may be time for an analogue holiday, where all things digital are forfeited for real-life experiences. When was the last time you went a week—or e

These Flavorful Fall Salads Prove You Can Eat a Bowl of Greens Even After...

Autumn isnt exactly synonymous with bowls of fresh greens. But with the help of the seasons best and brightest vegetable

Relieve Your Wrist and Forearm Pain with Mobility Exercises

In this modern age, tight wrists and forearms are standard issue to all of us who use our hands for work. This tightness