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These Protein-Packed Homemade Granola Bars Will Satisfy Your Sweet and Salty Cravings

The granola bar you choose to snack on when that 3 p.m. hunger strikes can make or break your afternoon. Opt to munch on

Deep Purple Smoothie

This drink is almost too pretty to sip. And even better, it sneaks in a serving of antioxidant-rich red cabbage, which adds to this smoothie’s stunning shade without making it taste too, well, cabbage

10 Healthy Sweet Snacks to Cure Your Craving

When youre hankering for dessert but its 3 p.m. (#beenthere), reach for one of these healthy sweet snacks. Each will sat

Do Duck Walks Really Prevent Shin Splints? Here's What Experts Say

If youve ever dealt with shin splints, you know that they can be agonizing. And if you havent experienced this common ex