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Protect Your Kidneys from Stones by Eating a Healthy Diet

These funny-looking twin organs may not look like much, and yet they are most precious to the body’s normal functioning.

Are Protein Chips Worth Trying?

Most people with muscle-building goals are not strangers to protein-infused variations of traditional snacks. After all,

Olé! 10+ Tequila Drinks for Cinco de Mayo

Skip the shots and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with fiery and festive mixed drinks centered around Mexicos most famous liquo

Problem Skin: Why You Have it and What to Do About it

I was a lucky teen. A few spots here and there, but nothing to write home about: I never thought much about acne back th

Testosterone 101

Testosterone plays important roles in the body—it’s not just for mucho macho. “T” also contributes to bone density, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, facial and body hair, and the production