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An Open Letter to Runners Who Think They're 'Too Slow'

To Any Runner Who Thinks Theyre "Too Slow,"And you get the lows. Even running's so-called "downsides" are yours for the

Is Your Gut Happy?

More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive issues each year. Now that the holiday festive season is a wrap, we’re wondering: how’s your gut doing? We have some ideas that might make it happi

Why You Should Ditch Your Iced Coffee for Cold-Brew

If youre a patron of smaller, shall we say, hipster coffee joints, youve likely seen cold-brew coffee on the menu for qu

3 Questions for Choosing Your Best Diet

There is a mountain of information to wade through when you’re looking at adopting a new way of eating. There are so man

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars for a Naturally Sweet Dessert (Or Breakfast)

It's natural to feel like you're OD-ing on pumpkin at this stage in the season, but you're going to want to save a littl