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5 Ways to Get a Crazy Good Stair-Climber Workout

When it comes to standard fitness equipment you'll find in just about every gym, a stair-climber is at the top of the li

What Are the Main Barriers People with Disabilities Face in Sports?

It’s hardly news that even in the most progressive societies, people with disabilities face inequality in sport and phys

Clear Blemishes Naturally

Are skin blemishes bringing you down? Learn why the natural approach to clearing blemishes is the best approach. A majority of individuals 12 to 24 years of age suffer from acne, with some estimates a

Saving What’s Left of the Caribou

Canada\'s caribou aren\'t doing so well. Here\'s why you should care—and how you can help ensure these unique animals stick around.In April 2017, a citizen-based committee, the Upper Clearwater Referral

How to Boost Your Immune System: Part 1, Nutrition

I want to talk about a slightly different take on being healthy than we normally do. It’s always in there, but I want to