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Raja Yoga Meditation Might Be Just What Your Mind Needs

It's hard to overemphasize the multitude of perks that come from meditation practice. But just like with any other addit

Kelsey Wells Shared the Cute Reason She Meditates with Her Dog

In case you need any more reason to meditate, it can double as quality time with your pet. Take it from PWR trainer Kels

Pucker Up

Beauty-essential lipsticks contain five types of ingredients: emollients that prevent moisture loss and soften the lips; pigments; preservatives; antiseptics; and emulsifiers that hold these other ing

The Story of How LaRayia Gaston Founded Lunch On Me Will Move You to...

LaRayia Gaston was working in a restaurant at age 14, throwing away a bunch of perfectly good food (food waste is inevit

Winter Workout, Canada Style

With winter weather putting a damper on your workout plans, you may be ready to give up on your blossoming six-pack. But don’t despair; there are fun and challenging ways to stay fit in the Canadian o