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Dive into the Weekend with This Friday Fitness Workout

It’s Friday! Say hello to that amazing feeling of freedom mixed with exhaustion and combined with the overwhelming desir

Coffee Smoothie Recipes That Will Give You a Jolt of Caffeine

Combine your morning smoothie with your a.m. cup of java with these quick and easy recipes.Café Mocha Protein Smoothie

Resistance for Your Health

Resistance exercise may be the key to keeping our brains healthy and fully functioning as we age. Learn how to exercise to improve brain acuity. As a fitness instructor I am often asked by my students

10 Healthy Sweet Snacks to Cure Your Craving

When youre hankering for dessert but its 3 p.m. (#beenthere), reach for one of these healthy sweet snacks. Each will sat

This Is Why Guy Time Is Actually so Important

I look at each day as an adventure. A chance to start fresh, to experience new challenges, and to see what life has in store. I’m a positive person doing what I love and content with my choices. Despi