Mindy Kaling Made a DIY Version of the $17 Hailey Bieber Smoothie


Mindy Kaling

Hailey Bieber no doubt has a knack for kicking off viral trends (‘glazed donut’ nails, anyone?) but the latest TikTok trend inspired by the model might just be the tastiest. After Bieber collaborated with California-based grocery chain Erewhon on a nutrient-packed, “skin-supporting” strawberry smoothie, DIY versions quickly went viral on TikTok. And now, even Mindy Kaling is getting in on the trend. She recently shared a video on Instagram of her attempt to recreate the trendy smoothie, joking about its steep $17 price tag and sharing her own recipe for those who want to try it themselves.

In addition to the skin-care ingredients, avocados, found in both Bieber and Kaling’s smoothie recipes, are rich in fatty acids, which promote “nourished and more resilient skin and hair,” says Dr. Yadav. They’re also “an excellent nutritional source of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K,” says Hanley. Plus, the magnesium found in avocados, dates, and almond milk can “help our bodies to produce hyaluronic acid,” says Sarah Rueven, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., a women’s health expert and founder of Rooted Wellness. She actually recommends doubling down on the magnesium by adding leafy greens or magnesium-rich nuts, such as cashews, to a homemade version of the smoothie.

It seems like drinking the pink smoothie is certainly one way to add some skin-boosting ingredients into your diet, but Rueven and Haney both flag that it's high in sugar, thanks to the dates, maple syrup, strawberry glaze, and coconut cream. You might consider removing the maple syrup and strawberry glaze to cut down on extra sugar, Rueven suggests. "Instead, focus on the strawberries and dates, which will give you that natural sweetness along with other vitamins and minerals," she explains. Of course, if you're not concerned with sugar intake, drinking the smoothie as is makes for a sweet treat that's still packed with many good-for-you ingredients.

If you live in Los Angeles, you can pop into your local Erewhon to give the smoothie a try, or whip up Kaling's version at home to see what the hype is all about.


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