Does Prebiotic Soda Have Real Health Benefits?



If you have a soft spot for carbonated drinks (looking at you, LaCroix) then you’ve probably heard of or already tried healthy sodas. Fizzy drinks are getting a total rebrand with more and more companies offering sweet carbonated beverages that promise *gasp* health benefits. The hashtag #prebioticsoda has gained over 330,000 views on TikTok, suggesting the trend of prebiotic sodas and “healthy” sodas, in general, is on the rise.

As far as how often you need to drink prebiotic sodas to reap the benefits? There are a few things to consider. "Prebiotics are important to feed the friendly bacteria in our gut and keep them healthy," says Neusel. "While they can be found in these convenient fizzy drinks, you may also be getting them from your diet too from foods like apples, oats, and onions." In other words, you won't necessarily need to supplement if you're already diligent about getting enough of the dietary fiber, but the sodas act as a yummy addition to get prebiotic benefits, especially as an alternative to traditional soda.

Studies show that a daily dose of about three to 10 grams of prebiotics is necessary to reap the health benefits, and that going well above that amount (read: 40 to 50 grams) can lead to gas or bloating. Most prebiotic sodas offer fiber right in that range, for instance, Olipop has nine grams. With that in mind, one can per day may help support gut health, with the caveat that it’ll also add to your sugar consumption. “While one per day may help support a healthy gut, they contain two to nine grams of sugar per can, so it may be best to consider how this tasty beverage may fit into your diet,” says Neusel. However, in comparison to a can of traditional soda, which can have nearly 40 grams of sugar, it’s definitely the better option if you’re trying to watch your sugar intake.

All in all, prebiotic sodas are a drink that you can feel good about adding to your meal plan. If you're someone who doesn't typically eat enough prebiotic-rich foods already, they're an easy (and delicious) way to promote that "good" bacteria you need for a healthy and happy gut.


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