Blaze Pizza Now Has a Keto Crust for Pizza Lovers On a Low-Carb Diet


Blaze Pizza Keto Pizza

Since the keto diet has blown up, packaged keto foods aren’t hard to come by. At this point, companies are churning out keto-friendly drinks, keto protein bars, and spreads like the diet is going out of style. (It’s not.)

While a typical pizza crust made with white flour clocks in at around 265 net carbs, Blaze Pizza’s entire keto crust has only 6 net carbs. The cauliflower and mozzarella-based crust contains whey, casein, flaxseed, and eggs and is gluten-free, according to the company’s nutrition calculator.

In addition to launching its new keto diet crust, Blaze Pizza added four new "Life Mode" pizzas to its menu, exclusively for customers who order through its website or app. Along with vegan, vegetarian, and high-protein options, there's a new Keto Pizza, which combines the new low-carb cauliflower crust with spicy red sauce, mozzarella, bacon, cherry tomatoes, mushroom, and spinach. One slice has 150 calories, 8 grams of fat, 14 grams of protein, and 2 grams of net carbs.

While other fast-casual restaurants have added keto menu items, Blaze Pizza is the first national chain to offer a keto pizza crust, according to a press release. (Last year, California Pizza Kitchen became the first national chain to launch a cauliflower crust, but with 14 grams of carbs per slice, it’s not really keto-friendly.) With that in mind, this might just be the best thing to happen to the keto community since Chipotle rolled out a keto salad bowl.


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