13 Healthy Late-Night Snacks Recommended By Nutrition Experts


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Best Healthy Late-Night Snacks, According to Nutrition Experts

Let's face it: Late-night snacks get a bad rap, but sometimes, they're simply necessary. Maybe you work irregular hours or ate dinner earlier than usual. Or perhaps you had a busy day and weren't able to eat a satisfying evening meal. (Hey, it happens to the best of folks.) Even being more active than usual can amp up your appetite, resulting in seemingly random nighttime cravings.

Crackers with Cheese and Turkey Deli Meat

For a healthy late-night snack, grab a handful of crackers with cheese and turkey deli meat, suggests Charmaine Jones, M.S., R.D.N., L.D.N., registered dietitian and founder of Food Jonezi. The cheese and turkey offer tryptophan, but combining them with carbs will boost serotonin/melatonin production even further, says Jones. Turkey is also a type of lean meat, meaning it contains lessfat than other cuts of meat, according to registered dietitian Elysia Cartlidge, R.D.N. This is noteworthy because “higher fat options can negatively impact your digestive system, thereby disrupting your sleep,” she explains. Also, when possible, opt for low-sodium turkey, as eating too much sodium over time can lead to high blood pressure (aka a major risk factor for heart disease).

Vegetables with Hummus

Another healthy late-night snack for curing the nighttime munchies is veggies with hummus, such as PEARLS Classic Organic Hummus (Buy It, $10 for four cups, amazon.com). Specifically, Berger recommends pairing a handful of your favorite vegetables with 2 tablespoons of hummus for a delicious dose of satiating fiber, fats, and carbs. Just be careful not to chow down on too many cruciferous veggies, in particular, as their high fiber content can leave you feeling gassy and bloated — two (uncomfortable) sensations that can make drifting off to dreamland difficult. (See also: Is Hummus a Good Source of Protein?)


“Popcorn is a whole grain, meaning it will give you complex carbohydrates that provide nourishing and satiating fiber,” explains Pendleton. Plus, whole grains encourage insulin production that results in tryptophan activity in the brain, according to the American Sleep Association. Meaning, a handful of, say, Angie’s BOOMCHIKAPOP Light Kettle Corn Popcorn (Buy It, $40 for 12 bags, amazon.com)can not only satisfy that hankering for a midnight munchie but also set you up for a night’s worth of restful Zzz’s.

If plain popcorn isn't enough to satisfy your taste buds, Jones suggests mixing 3 cups of plain popcorn with 1/4 cup of dried cranberries and 1/4 cup roasted walnuts or pecans. "This popcorn trail mix is a good source of protein and fiber," she says, which will promote satiety and prevent blood sugar spikes, which would otherwise disrupt your sleep.


Although soup isn’t a “traditional” snack, it can help you fill you up before bed, says Berger. And this is especially true if you opt for a variety with ample protein and fiber such as chicken soup with vegetables. Naturally, homemade chicken soup is going to be the healthiest, but you can also reach for pre-made packaged options. When choosing soups for your stash, look for products that are lower in sodium, such as Healthy Choice Chicken Noodle Soup (Buy It, $36 for 12 cans, amazon.com), to avoid overdoing it with the salt and upping your chances of developing high blood pressure.


Spend enough time Google-ing “healthy bedtime snacks” and you’re sure to find cherries on seemingly every list. Why? Because studies suggest cherries — especially tart cherries — can help you sleep better due largely in part to their high amounts of melatonin and tryptophan. What’s more, tart cherry juice has been shown to increase melatonin available in the body, according to the Sleep Foundation. But not all varieties are created equal: If you’re looking to stock your fridge with healthy late-night snacks, make sure you’re buying sour cultivars such as Richmond, Montmorency, and English morello either raw or as juice. (Read more: The Health Benefits of Cherries Are As Sweet As Summer)

To take this healthy bedtime snack to a whole new level, consider noshing on some nuts, too. Pairing fruit — be it cherries, frozen mango, fresh grapes, or whatever you have on hand — with a handful of nuts fills you up with fiber, carbs, and healthy fats, which "help tell the brain we aren't hungry," says Berger. What's more, "the fruit provides a small dose of sweetness that people often crave after dinner or in the evening," she adds.


Next time you want a healthy snack before bed, consider eating some edamame (soybeans), suggests Kelsey Sackmann, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian and founder of Kelsey P. R.D. In addition to being “high in protein and fiber, they contain a compound called isoflavones,” explains Sackmann. These compounds have been shown to increase serotonin production, which translates into higher melatonin levels. As a result, not only will you be full and satisfied after eating edamame, but you’ll sleep better too, says Sackmann. Need even more proof? A 2015 study found that adults who consumed two more servings of soy per day slept longer and reported better sleep quality, according to the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Whole-Grain Toast and Hummus

For another late-night spin on hummus, try pairing it with whole-grain toast, says registered dietitian Dana Ellis Hunnes, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D. This is an ideal healthy snack before bed because the fiber (from the whole-grain toast) and protein (from the hummus) are deliciously satiating. Fiber is also digested slowly by the body, meaning you’ll stay full long enough to slip into a slumber. Still peckish? Hunnes recommends pairing this combo with edamame, which, as noted above, can promote melatonin production.

Whole-Grain Cereal and Milk

Cereal isn’t just for breakfast, you guys. Try pairing 1/2 cup multigrain or whole-grain cereal with 1/2 cup milk of your choice, recommends Kelley O’Conner, R.D., L.D.N., C.S.O., a registered dietitian at Kaufman Care Center at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center. The combo offers fiber from the cereal and protein from the milk, along with sleep-promoting tryptophan. Don’t eat dairy? Don’t worry; you can make this healthy late-night snack with plant-based alternatives such as soy milk, which can further help you score some shut-eye.

Chamomile Tea and Eggs

This healthy bedtime snack boasts plenty of perks: It’s filling, satiating, and (thanks to the chamomile tea) totally soothing. “Chamomile [tea] contains the antioxidant apigenin, which can induce relaxation and sleep,” says Campbell. Meanwhile, “eggs contain the drowsiness-inducing amino tryptophan.” Campbell recommends pairing the beverage with a poached egg (or two), but you can also scramble or hard-boil if preferred.


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