How to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension with the Wall Stretch


The wall stretch can provide quick and effective relief to your shoulders and neck. It’s a great exercise to do if you’ve been sitting a lot or doing computer work.

Doing the wall stretch can even help revive you when you hit that sleepy spot in the afternoon. (I know you know what I mean!) Take a break from your work sometime today and try this stretch — you’ll feel better for it.

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How to Do the Wall Stretch:

  1. Stand facing a wall and place your hands on the wall about chest high, straight out in line with your shoulders. (Tip: The top of your fingertips will be in line with the tops of your shoulders.)
  2. Spread your fingertips and keep a slight pressure on the wall with your thumbs and index fingers.
  3. Walk your feet back and make a ninety-degree angle with your body by placing your ankles directly beneath your hips.
  4. Make sure your feet are pointed straight ahead (this will look slightly pigeon-toed) and your feet are hip-width distance apart (measured by a fist and a half between the ankles).
  5. Kick your hips back and place an arch in your lower back. Allow your back to flatten and your belly to relax.
  6. Straighten your knees and tighten your thigh muscles. Tightening the thigh muscles is a critical component and must happen for you to get the full benefit of the exercise.
  7. Keep your elbows straight and don’t let your hands slide down the wall.
  8. Breathe deep and hold this position for one minute.


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