New Year, New You: Powerful Gratitude Meditations


Somewhere between Christmas and New Year, it can seem that time as we know it ceases to exist. Christmas magic still lingers and is mixed with anticipation of the New Year. Behind that is a little bit of boredom from one too many holiday movies.

But, this year, instead of sinking into the couch waiting for life to begin again, why not try something a little different?

To help you prepare for the upcoming year, we’ve got a little treat up our sleeves. These beautiful, guided meditations from our expert, Gia, will illuminate the way to the New Year. Join us as we journey to a better, calmer you, filled with inner strength and energy.

After all, what better way could there be to start the New Year?

Meditations for a New Year, Better You

Embracing gratitude

gratitude weight lossIt’s scientifically proven – giving thanks can make you happier. That simple act of saying thank you can change your perspective on life, switching it from looking at only what you can’t or don’t have to all the wonderful things that you do.

Even if 2020 has hit you hard, taking the time to breathe and appreciate that you are alive can revitalize you. Choosing to take less than ten minutes a day and dedicate it to doing a gratitude meditation can have a powerful effect on your life.

By making this simple act an integral part of your day in 2021 could be just the change. You need to start looking at things differently. It helps you discover hope in challenging circumstances and accept the wonderful person you are.

In our free gratitude meditation, you’ll discover how to evoke your inner strength through gratitude and use it to empower you for this coming year.

Living with compassion

connection with othersChoose to be the person you want to be. Living with compassion is all about showing that trait to others and yourself. Every day we are faced with challenges, criticism, and doubt, this New Year, it’s time to toss it out and replace it with something better – compassion.

We know it can be hard to see the best in others, and yourself for that matter. But by being more understanding, more compassionate, we can grow. Becoming a better person is all about learning to forgive yourself and others and appreciating that mistakes, challenges, and trials, are a part of life.

Take the time and try our free Living with Compassion meditation to unlock a more awakened you. Someone who accepts the fallibility of humanity and embraces all the flaws that make us beautiful.

Facing uncertainty

As we head into 2021, we are both relieved that the current year is over and concern that the next will be even more challenging. But there is one secret yet to be told. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. However, that doesn’t mean you are powerless. Instead, make the decision today to focus on the thing that you do have power over.

By facing uncertainty head-on with a sense of calmness and acceptance, you will be better able to embrace the surprises and challenges that lie ahead. You will no longer see solely the bad but the good. Those little delights that truly make life worth living.

Think of all the little things in life as you breathe deeply and push away the fears. In our facing uncertainty meditation, you discover a guide to help you throughout the turmoil—a friend in the storm. Embrace the changes and meet them with inner strength.


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